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tv   [untitled]    November 21, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome is a big issue. on . morning news today in harlem says once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are all today. it's ten pm moscow time tonight egypt announces that a ceasefire between israel and hamas is to come into force an hour from now covering a desperate international push for a truce we've got the latest just ahead this comes of course despite the other
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israeli strikes on gaza which brought the death toll to over one hundred fifty and the terror blast in the center of tel aviv in retaliation. other top stories thousands of students hitting the streets of london crying out against rising tuition fees and a lack of financial support making it harder to get a higher education in the u.k. . plus a human rights blow for bahrain is amnesty international publishes a report showing torture and oppression getting worse said the king. good evening i'm kevin zero in thank you for choosing to see we're starting with that breaking news of just been talking about israel and palestinian group hamas have agreed to a cease fire in gaza after a marathon peace talks in egypt's capital cairo israel's been pounding the
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palestinian toe true with missiles from both the air and sea for more than a week now in response to how mosts cross border rocket fire let's go live to what is middle east correspondent paula paula this is only just broken really within the last hour or so there's been various rumors coming through from various news agencies what more do we know at the moment what are the details of this truce as you know it. what we're hearing from the egyptian and palestinian sources that a ceasefire agreement has been reached between israel and hamas within the last half hour or so there was a press conference between the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton and the gyptian foreign minister they made the announcement there that within the next hour that cease fire would go into effect now clinton said that the u.s. was committed to ensuring the safety of the israeli public while at the same time making sure that the conditions of the lives of people in gaza were improved egypt for its side has said that it has a historical duty to represent and look off to the interests of the palestinian
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people we haven't yet had any confirmation from the israeli side in fact i've just gotten off the phone with the spokesperson of the israeli foreign ministry who is not confirming the cease fire but he has told us that within half an hour the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will be holding a press conference so we are expecting to hear during that press conference in israeli confirmation before the cease fire again a reminder it is expected to go into effect one hour from now however we are also understanding that the israeli approval comes without any kind of conditions that hamas were pushing for namely that israel would lift its blockade we have no details of the stage in terms of what was agreed to and what wasn't agreed to but certainly it has taken everybody by surprise particularly coming today after we saw such a bloody day on both the israeli and the palestinian side there was a bus bombing around midday today here in tel aviv twenty eight people were injured
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and at that time it was widely expected that the israeli government would go ahead with its much threatened ground offensive so certainly people here are quite shocked that the israeli response has actually been to sign now a cease fire rather than reacting in the way israel traditionally has in the past and that is with a strong military reaction at the same time they were roughly around eighty five or . that rained down into southern israel today a third of them were intercepted there were also four israeli soldiers who were injured we have no information as to the conditions of those soldiers being injured at this point on the gaza side one hundred and twenty one israeli airstrikes they targeted rocket launchers they targeted smuggling tunnels and also hamas come on st so that's where we stand at the moment we're waiting another half hour for the israeli prime minister to confirm the cease fire but certainly at the moment this is breaking news here paula as you've been speaking there as well got some more comments of just looking at the reuters news agency then. told president obama
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quote ready to give the cease fire a chance that came from the israeli prime minister's office also the white president obama told that the u.s. would use the cease fire to help israel address its security needs especially smuggling of weapons a lot to be talked about more details to be coming out in the next hour. ceasefire supposed to take place in about fifty five minutes from now for sure just a bit later thank you. more hundred fifty palestinians were killed in gaza so far and a quarter of them have been children journalist harry fear is in the heart of the conflict for us. and in the last twenty four hours resembles increasingly operation chaos that the reports of white phosphorus at the stroy of the bridge that connects middle north gaza with the south of gaza the isolation of the south of gaza israel has intensified the pounding of gaza particularly the targeting of governmental and
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police buildings and harness the biggest police station that was totally leveled causing structural damage to nearby buildings some of the biggest governmental structures in gaza city were targeted including the biggest civil service building here in gaza. in the southern area of the gaza strip was targeted heavily overnight particularly the smuggling tunnels which gazans called the survival smuggling tunnels israel killed three media workers shorthand john two of them a cameraman for the t.v. channel another for the educational television channel according to israel these stations that these media workers work for are not legitimate journalistic enterprises and therefore susceptible to being targeted any time a spokesperson for the israeli prime minister's office told us that the bombing campaign against gaza was aimed at bringing peace and safety to israeli citizens. we see the terrorists from the hamas terrorists they target only civilians and this
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sea of victory when the innocent people but why don't you kill that for twelve years already hamas terrorists fire rockets on our civilians on the on our civilians in. these really government decided that we have to stop these attacks in our surveillance and our children and our elders and that's why we target terrorists but unfortunately we know we see of reidy in every word that the terrorists high behind civilians it's definitely big numbers and we do so please if you think that it must start so we call upon all the international community and we call upon everybody who really doesn't want this violence first of all to pressure on the terrorist organization to stop this violence and to call upon them not to use civilians we just want safety for us that's all. the
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standoff between israel has gone beyond deadly attacks a diplomatic wrangles even spread the internet. story the latest military conflict in the gaza strip may go down in history as the first war ever declared on twitter the official account of the israeli defense force announced the start of the pillar of defense operation and one of those literally told the enemy to run and hide. but later hamas had their say using similar war rhetoric this exchange has been retreated thousands of times since and numbers do matter on twitter through hits likes replies and retreats more people than ever before turned to social media and the question is who is winning this online warfare and numbers speak for themselves according to the hashtags dot org website the guards are under attack crash tag is ten times more popular than israel under fire for gaza is twenty times more popular than pray for israel and gaza hash tag
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is almost twice as popular as israel in a nutshell this is the battle between a heavily funded state propaganda machine and citizen journalism from the outside looking israel's content is better produced more powerful shiny and glossy take these banners for instance which were posted on idea of official facebook page how mars has also been manning the information war trenches some say clumsily as these tweets may suggest but the effect of social media boom on young palestinian activists in changing public perception of the palestinian israeli conflict has been huge youngers the residents regularly rush to hospitals and take and upload photos and videos of tragedy and inhumanity and some of the pictures have become symbolic of israel's disproportionate use of force the graphic and vocal message in those tweets is perhaps the reason why palestinian citizen journalism is proving more effective and why israeli social networkers simply cannot compete with the
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content coming out of gaza whether this first war started on twitter can become the first war lost on twitter is a question but one conclusion seems evident enough israel has not grasped the destructive power of social media idly as its holding the people of gaza in its grip. it is a lecturer despite dozens of civilian deaths in gaza washington's made it clear it supports israel something that critics say wouldn't do under different circumstances that is going she can explain. crisis in the middle east probably like no other crisis reveals the double speak of u.s. foreign policy the us basically gave a green light to any of their actions with regards to palestinians and israel has been taking advantage of that quite extensively because as president obama explained there is no country on earth would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders makes complete sense nobody should but one
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may ask what about all those countries that the us has gone back of ghana's them pakistan yemen and others or is it that when you refer to civilian deaths as collateral damage somehow feeling civilian sounds nor justified when it comes to the dungeon situation you usually hear u.s. officials speak along these lines of course in a conflict like this a civilian casualties are inevitable but the u.s. is not always like that when the government was killing civilians the u.s. forced to sympathize with the innocents there in most graphic terms but it appears in washington sympathy for suffering tenby selected this is hillary clinton on syria the shooting death of a one year old recently by the syrian regime's tanks and troops. is a very stark example of what is going on. one may ask what about those horrible shots of children dying in gaza is that somehow
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a less stark example of what's going on it seems america's world police mindset and standing up for the week thing doesn't apply to palestinians instead we hear the same mantra from u.s. officials that israel has the right to defend itself which effectively implies that in the eyes of washington the killing of civilians in gaza is justified the u.s. has most recently blocked the u.n. security council statement calling for a cease fire in the israeli gaza conflict deeming the statement unbalanced against israel just goes the u.s. has blocked all. other palestinian related un resolutions in the past whether it was on israel continuing to build settlements on occupied territories or other initiatives put forward to ease the years long suppression of the people there by blocking all efforts of the international community to mediate a solution in washington contribute to the status quo and the status quo here is that the root causes of the crisis have not been addressed and is the root causes
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remain any ceasefire looks temporary there was a major israeli assault on gaza four years ago took more than a thousand people did not solve the problem so one may argue the status quo almost guarantees that the cycle of violence will continue. well look even to figure the post will developments in the middle east tonight both on air and online you can check out if you get a minute a live update section of dot com for all the latest. thanks very much much appreciated still plenty more ahead in the program with me kevin this break.
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on the march under god these men and women are walking one of the longest and probably the loneliest road in the world they reacting march into exile made by thousands of czarist russia. if i was here three hundred years ago i may have disappeared my local lord i may have deserted from the army or a variety of other crimes the result was the same like my fellow prisoners around me i've got a long and very cold walk ahead into exile in siberia yet it took them years to get there summers and winters entire years a lot of people died on the way this group in the western siberian region of omsk discovered their living on the only surviving stretch of the original nine thousand kilometers of the siberian exiles track that's had no modern changes made to it he is going to discover that he's descended from some of these exiles and decided to build a museum telling a story he and his re-enact is now receiving to us from all over the world to show
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them what it was like for these bloody good earnest it's scary to put the shackles on of course but it's interesting if we don't remember our history we will have no future. it's a monument to one of the czarist russia cruellest chapters. the city served as the capital of anti communist white russian leader admiral culture shock in the civil war from one thousand nine hundred to nine hundred ninety whilst in residence he lived here though the study of the man like the maintenance of this building has remained a taboo right up until the present day or we still receive hate mail saying that he hanged a lot of people and was famous for severe punishment it's all true but it was at a time of civil war both sides were monstrously cruel it is sadly the theme of cruelty which links so. much of almshouse history to the rest of russia's particularly of exile. or criminal.
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culture is that so much different if you consider share on the market the carnage continues in gaza israel claims its own barmen of the gazans using self-defense at the same time denying the palestinians. we speak your language or not at the. news programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you breaking news a little turn a tip angles stories. you hear. it all teach spanish find out more visit eye to allahabad.
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this is a cross to students who take to the streets of london protesting against rising university fees in the loss of financial support it's the second anniversary of huge demonstrations caused by the troubling of fees to sarah ferguson the english capital. thousands the student protests this and taken to the streets of london today to get the face of the same put in place in the case against cuts to education the most. parliament square which was completely closed off by police. actually amongst the protesters themselves today a little bit of a disagreement that marks kind of break the law. if you can hear something.
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break that. they will not break and not. agree very they say that that's not the way they want to take they wanted to march past the parliament building the parliament square say we see not a little bit of friction head today as they said among the protesters themselves as they came up the. parliament square there was a little bit of pushing and shoving a little bit of the just going to feel today some of the students at least they can see said that previous tenants a sense that they take the castling was a bit uneasy that happened in the past with no particular great state that might also have an impact thousands of people have. said that one and then they point if they think credibly to something many. charging the maximum thousand pounds a year is not very good the fact that the people that i love let's face it you know
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that that's really been one of the main points of the students here. sort of first one of our team in london the folks to king for greece with this international creditors failing to reach a deal on the next tranche of the thirty one and a half billion euro bailout for the debt ridden state meantime thousands of layoffs agreed by the greek government in exchange for the funspot more protests i'm told is rather is from a london school of economics and political science says people on the edge. people are really not buying into this kind of what is a very blatant lie going on and is going to excuses that we just discussed and just an example just to show you how many things are going on are not really being very much reported at two zero zero zero to three hundred twenty five municipalities across the entire country until yesterday and i may have already lost count two hundred forty of them have been either occupied or blocked by their workers who are refusing to just let go on of course these other workers are for it and will immediately immediately lay off due to latest gallup packets i was working for the
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greek parliament should people are really bitter or eating on a flight on the ground it is just a matter of international media picking up but right actually the big stories we're following today amnesty international is condemned by saying the country hasn't delivered on promises to improve its human rights record and the report shows the monarchy has intensified its crackdown on the opposition instead the author of the documents and bahrain research showed amnesty international cover told me oppression is getting worse in the kingdom. well we have his that's actually the situation is much for stanek was months ago it's for you terry right we're talking about at least twenty four people being killed after the bombing in a fiery issued its report last year a ban on protests at the end of october and only a week ago there were occasional national killed thirty one opposition activists were also talking about continuous harassment of human rights defenders one of them is now in russia the president of the bahamian center for human rights that was
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sentenced these summer to three years increase and marilee for having exercised its right to freedom of expression and we consider him to be a prisoner of conscience and we are talking about hundreds of hand and hundreds of allegations of torture that that's happening especially since the beginning of two thousand and eleven until now the international community has not put an off pressure on the bahamian government to ensure that. any independent commission of inquiry recommendations are implemented it quite what we are seeing is that a year after that report was issued we have seen that that main well commendations that wouldn't shore a country we can to justice for victims have not been implemented. the may be no escape from the point in cold as we do the millions of u.k. residents soaring energy prices look said to drive more and more people to so-called fuel poverty with the only way to stay warm is an extra blanket or smith report. it's a bitter winter's day in london and inside this plot it's not much warmer single
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mother of four julie has only one thing on her mind as the cold bites how is she going to pay her ever rising energy bill i decided to take few libel from the ceiling and i only use one in my room it's only sitting a monkey chair in my you just one like trying to cut down. of the bill mess time but in regard to bill. we spoke to julie last winter when she was already struggling and we've come back to see how she'll face this year's even bigger challenge five of the six big energy companies have announced price rises of around ten percent according to use which whose business it is to help people reduce their bills it will drive more into an increasingly common form of poverty poverty is where you spend more than ten percent of your net income on your energy bills
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and we've seen these recent price increases pushed three hundred fourteen founts and people into fuel poverty that's on top of an estimated seven million people who already have one survey ahead of this winter found energy prices were the biggest concern for consumers ninety percent said the cost of energy was their main household worry ahead of rising costs for food petrol and mortgage payments julie shows me her energy bills carefully conserve to chart the inexorable rise since she moved in in two thousand and seven she's afraid that this winter her children's health will suffer again in a way that when accomplice or his blanket his socks and the children just put it on the moon we will call two thousand and ten and two thousand and eleven there were sick. because i tried to be mean. while julie's children are getting sick the
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energy companies are profiting british gas whose prices are up six percent is on track to make one point four billion pounds in profits this year and e.d.s. with the highest price rise of ten point eight percent announced profits of one point six billion in february where are you going to find the extra ten percent that's going to go when you go from somebody no nor a smith r.t. london. new to brief now around the world turkey has officially asked me to deploy poetry to defense missiles on its border with syria crosses the move triggered by the growing concerns over the syrian war which it fears could spill over the border some alliance members including germany have already welcomed the initiative originally to say we'll discuss now without delay. anti-government protesters have been clashing with police for a third consecutive day of the egyptian capital cairo violence has left more than sixty people injured it marks one year since the so-called second wave of egyptian revolution writers say the new government is hardline response to protest mirrors
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that of former president mubarak and they're demanding change. two suicide bombers attacked a u.s. base in afghanistan's capital kabul that killed two afghan guards and apparently tried to reach the gate to detonate the device is when police spotted them local reports say the taliban claimed responsibility for the attack cobbles trying to beef up the city's security ahead of a holy day this week. has turned twenty five here in moscow now a very good evening if you've just joined us you joined us just in time for the business update after the break of course in a couple of minutes and what have you got in store for us well as you know you've been reporting yourself the global economy is in a rather sad joel situation at the moment and with what you want investors do they really heading towards safer havens with the churches in the middle east is what we're playing into. which at the moment appears to be gold that's what they always are gold when it does it really does it goes around in circles and that's where the money just won't dissolve you know it's
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a safe place to park on it about it and that's all coming up pretty clear is your view and i so pretty we have got no you know rings on me to get business program in just to stop the bank or i look forward to. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. to please be cool language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world's top spots the p.r.p.
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interviews intriguing stories to tell you. it's been trying. to find out more visit our big teeth don't call. it won't come to the show don't look the old passion but as the best and brightest take minds gather in moscow some came to work while others came to play to get up close and personal with devices that recreate masterpieces and scanned russian treasures from inside and from space to keep us safe from oil spills and forest fires unleash your inner gadget geek as i see major search for the next big thing in the computer world and russia's numerous good he's going to take the fight straight to their competitors known to him day here on wall street we've got the future of coverage. wealthy british style. time.
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market. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with monks conjure the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. while
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come to business gold is having a good you know with the eurozone debt crisis all doubling slowing growth in china and the u.s. fiscal caesarea it's hard gold is your gaming side out with savvy investors and aspects in it paul says from a strategy about what's. the attractions of gold are becoming a bit clearer it says ahead.


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